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Our Mission Statement: Empowered by Christ, we will minister to the world by extending a hand to those in need.

Each year the need seems to be greater! We continue to fell blessed by the response of the congregation when called upon to be "God's hands and feet" beyond our church doors. "Committed to change the world by God's Grace" is the task to which we are called!  We welcome any of you who feel a desire to be more involved.  Please refer to the Grace Calendar for meeting dates and times.  


Grace offers continued support for the Food Pantry.  Financial contributions, as well as about twelve hundred pounds of food are given throughout the year. An average of 320 families are served each month and approximately 1/3 of the amount of food distributed is regularly donated. The rest is purchased locally or through Second Harvest.  Call 320-679-5513 for hours of operation.


The second week of each month, coins and loose offering are collected to donate to a different local ministry. Our goal is to support initiatives that are specifically addressing needs in Mora and Kanabec County. 


January- World Mission, February- Good Samaritan Fund, March- Mora Food Pantry, 

April- Emergency Care Kits, May- Vacation Bible School, June- Kick Cancer to the Curb,

July- Good Samaritan Fund, August- Blessing Box, September- Mora Food Pantry,

October- Food for Friends, November- Good Samaritan Fund, December- Soup for the Soul


Soup for the Soul is open Mondays 4-6pm

This continues to be a successful venture.  90-100+ people are served a free meal every Monday from 4-6pm at the Immanuel Baptist Church.  We offer FREE RIDE program for those who wish to ride Timber Trails Transit.


This service is offered to kids in Kanabec County who are being moved into emergency foster care.  A bag with some personal hygiene items and something fun is picked up by Social Services and goes along with the child or teen. During the past year, 18 bags have been requested for kids that range in age form birth to 17 years. Of these requests, the majority were for newborns.


Every year during the month of January the Sunday School children sponsor a special mission emphasis for the World Hunger Mission Appeal.  This year their mission will be supporting the Local Food Pantry, Feed My Starving Children, and World Hunger.  


We support small farmers and artisans globally by providing Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate.  Handcrafted items are for sale through SERV, LWR, and Global Mamas.  The sales have been held during the Fall Bazaar and the Spring Salad Luncheon.  The Grace Women of the ELCA have continued to serve Lutheran World Relief Coffee at all church events to support these farmers.

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